
9 INFJ memes that will cover some of the different aspects of an INFJ life

INFJ memes with explanations part 3
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INFJ memes

1-INFJ in the morning

Have you ever wondered if you are an INFJ?
You might be surprised that many INFJs believe they are not INFJs.INFJs are often mistyped as INTJs,  INFPs, ISFJs, and  ENFJs.This is because of how accurately infj can feel other personalities and their ability to simultaneously be both a thinker and a feeler. It’s crucial to understand their similarities and differences and the personality types they are commonly misidentified as.

2-When someone saves the world in a movie

As INFJ I waited for this moment throughout the movie.
People with empathy can recognize others’ suffering and understand that it’s like theirs. They feel the pain of others and try to help them if they can. On the other hand, people who are only concerned with their pleasure don’t understand this. They only care about themselves and are willing to harm others to achieve their goals. These are the people who pose a threat to the world.

However, we must be realistic about our ability to save the world. Sometimes, we overestimate our capacity to make a difference and give up when things get complicated. We may only try to save the world because it makes us feel good, but sometimes, the best we can do is save ourselves. Empathy is a quality that you either have or don’t have. If you don’t have it, you will never understand why someone willingly sacrifices themselves to save their people.

3-INFJ Thinking estimating

As an individual with an INFJ personality type, I often reflect on past experiences that have shaped me into who I am today. Memories from my childhood, teenage years, and youth often come to mind, and I can’t help but think about the hard choices I had to make and how they impacted my life. Being a perfectionist, I tend to hold onto these memories and analyze them, considering how I could have handled situations better. Despite the challenges that come with this trait, I believe it has helped me to grow and learn from my mistakes.

4-INFJ during an argument

I could win this argument, but maybe it’s not the right time!
Sometimes, the other person isn’t ready to hear the truth. INFJs usually avoid conflicts, and if they value your relationship, they may choose not to prioritize winning the argument over maintaining a good connection with you. However, this doesn’t mean that they won’t address the issue. They will wait for the right time to discuss things with you.

5-INFJ before doorslaming

INFJs have a unique way of forgiving others. They tend to ignore it quickly, as if the problem never existed in the first place. However, if someone repeats the same mistake multiple times, the problem becomes more significant in the INFJ’s eyes. They might feel that the person had enough chances to correct their behavior, so they might “door slam” this person. This means that the INFJ might cut off communication with them and remind them of their mistakes as if to say their forgiveness did not work with them.

6-Saying no without actually saying no

INFJs often feel uncomfortable saying “no” directly to others as they do not like to use this word. Instead, they tend to explain why they are declining a request in the first place. This is because they care about other people’s feelings and want to make sure the other person understands their reasoning.  Fe cognitive function will help INFJs find a way to reject a request without confusing or hurting the other person.

7- Why INFJ stays single

INFJs are introverts and have perfectionist tendencies, which can make it difficult for them to find a partner. They are not looking for a casual relationship! but a deep and meaningful connection with a soulmate who can profoundly understand them.

They want their partner to be more than just a companion, someone they can call their best friend and a part of their family.

The standards that INFJs hold for their partner are incredibly high. They know what they want in a relationship and will not settle for anything less. This can make finding the right partner feel daunting and overwhelming at times. However, they would rather be alone than be with someone who does not meet their expectations.

Overall, INFJs are looking for a partner who can match their depth and understanding and be a faithful companion and confidant on their journey through life.


8-Dead conversation for INFJ

INFJs, being introverted and intuitive, tend to have deep and complex thoughts. They expect an equally insightful and thought-provoking response when they initiate a conversation. But when they receive a short answer instead, it can make them feel like their thoughts and ideas are not being taken seriously or that the other person is not interested in engaging in a deep conversation. This response can leave INFJs feeling discouraged as if they made a mistake by starting the conversation in the first place or choosing the wrong time and place.

9-INFJ explaining their feelings

INFJs have a natural ability to accurately understand and feel the emotions of others, often without requiring any verbal explanation. However, when it comes to expressing their complex thoughts and feelings, INFJs may struggle to articulate them clearly. This is because they tend to cover multiple aspects simultaneously, making it challenging for others to grasp the whole picture.

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